Thursday, January 29, 2004

Anjlala's NeoPet page...

Anjlala's neopet

Matt is a... Scorchio!

If I were a Neopet... I'd be a Scorchio!

Scorchios are out-going and friendly most of the time.

They prefer hot climates, especially the deserts and volcanic regions of Neopia.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Roo is a... Krawk

If I were a Neopet... I'd be a Krawk!

The magic of the Krawk Cave is used to transform these baby reptiles into fully grown Krawks!

Krawks are loyal creatures with an appetite for mischief and a very vicious bite!
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Roberto is an Acara

If I were a Neopet... I'd be an Acara!

Acaras are a playful bunch that love to live by the sea.

Their favorite pastimes are diving for hidden treasures off the coastline and playing Gormball on the beach.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Joonwoo is a... kacheek

If I were a Neopet... I'd be a Kacheek!

Kacheeks are a shy little species that live in the lush meadows of Neopia.

They will avoid violence whenever possible and love to make new friends.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

You are a... aisha

If I were a Neopet... I'd be an Aisha!

Aishas are strange creatures with special abilities.

They have acute hearing and a penchant for magic.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Everglades camping photos

Wilma writes about the everglades. "Clarke and I went camping at the Everglades National Park, down in Florida City. It was so COOL!! It was our first time camping. I went canoeing for the first time in a pond called the Nine Mile Pond. There were gators everywhere!! It was so nice and peaceful. Attached are some pictures I took."9 Mile Pond at Everglades National Park
Sunrise at Everglades National Park


Dinner at Oasis

We finally got to catch up with Ela and Arrin at Oasis tonight. it was wonderful to see old friends and have a good meal. The Brazilian bbq was awesome, as always. Ela and Arrin recommended some movies, and we got to talk about travels and share weird clothing travel tales. *smile*

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Went out to Ice Cream with my TKD group

Eric broke his board, so we had to celebrate it with some ice cream and drinks at Tosci's. Now he is a green belt, watch out!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Today I met Zoe

Zoe is a cute little dog! She is so small, yet so inquisitive. WillG introduced us. Zoe has the softest fur. She was very friendly, after a little bit of getting to know me.

Sunday, January 11, 2004